buff 巴菲特,表面看起来是个炒股票的,其实他的一些想法和理念,远比“看起来”深刻的多。工作累了,看看这些轻松的漫画,琢磨一下他为什么说出这八句话也不错。 ☞1 市场与上帝 1  - 市场就像上帝,只帮助那些努力的人;但与上帝不同,市场不会宽恕那些不清楚自己在干什么的人。明白自己在干什么,了解所投资的事物,是成为市场中赢家的第一步。 ☞2 何为风险 2  - 风险来自你不知道自己正做些什么。  - Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing. ☞3 我不做的事 3  - 我小心地从一台电脑边走过,害怕他会咬我一口。(我不投资那些我看不懂的生意)  - I carefully walked next to a computer, I am afraid it will bite me. (I do not invest in business those I don’t know) ☞4 我只做的事 4  - 我要求自己解释自己的错误。这意味着我只做我完全了解的事。  - I want to be able to explain my mistakes. This means I do only the things I completely understand. ☞5 错误与失误 5  - 疏忽导致的错误比做错事的失误更令人烦恼;看不出的失误要比看出的失误严重得多。  - Mistakes of omission are more bothersome than errors of commission; The mistakes you don’t see in our case are way bigger than the mistakes that you see. ☞6 重整旗鼓 6  - 重整旗鼓的首要步骤是停止做那些已经做错了的事。这是一个古老的原则。覆水难收,你无法再回到最初。  - The first step to recovery is to stop doing the wrong thing. It’s an old principle. You don’t have to make it back the way you lost it. ☞7 吸取教训 7  - 我在历史中学到的唯一东西就是:大众从未从历史中汲取教训。  - What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history. ☞8 研究错误,学习错误 8  - 我经常感到,研究商业中的失败案例,要比研究商业中的成功案例的收获多得多。  - I’ve often felt there might be more to be gained by studying business failures than business successes.


☞1 赚钱与谋生 9  - 虽然我也要赚钱谋生,但相比最终收入,其过程更让我沉醉其中。  - I enjoy the process far more than the proceeds, though I have learned to live with those also. ☞2 彩票与致富 10  - 人们宁可得到一张下周可能会中头奖的彩票,也不愿意抓住一个可以稳稳致富的机会。  - People would rather be promised a presumably winning lottery ticket next week than an opportunity to get rich slowly. ☞3 钱、健康与爱 11  - 钱,或许一定程度上能让你处于优势,但它无法让你变得健康,也无法让更多人真的爱你。  - Money, to some extent, sometimes lets you be in more interesting environments. But it can’t change how many people love you or how healthy you are. ☞4 时间与工作 12  - 不要用你最宝贵的时间,去干那些你不喜欢的、仅仅是为了让简历更好看的事情。  - Don’t waste your most valued time to do the things you don’t like, the things just for a better looked resume. ☞5 心中的记分牌 13  - 我心中有自己的记分牌。如果我做了其他人不喜欢、但我自己感觉良好的事,我会很高兴。如果我做了其他人称赞,但我自己却不满意的事,我是不会高兴的。  - I keep an internal scoreboard. If I do something that others don't like but I feel good about, I'm happy. If others praise something I've done, but I'm not satisfied, I feel unhappy. ☞6 市场与买卖 14  - 如果在市场行情下跌时,你轻易的将好东西打折变卖,一旦行情回升,再想买回来就难了。  - You can always juice sales by going down-market. But it's hard to go back up market. ☞7 股票和价值 15  - 不必等到企业降至谷底才去购买它的股票。 选够企业股票的售价,要低于你估算出的它的价值,并且要由诚实而有能力的人经营。 但你若能以低于一家企业目前所值的钱买进它的股份,并且你对它的管理有信心,同时你又买进了一批类似企业的股份,那你赚钱就指日可待了。  - It doesn’t have to be rock bottom to buy it.  It has to be selling for less than you think the value of business is, and it has to be runned by honest and able people.  But if you can buy into a business for less than it’s worth today, and you’re confident of the management, and you buy into a group of business like that, you’re going to make money. ☞8 你与英雄 16  - 在生活中,如果你正确选择了你的英雄,你就是幸运的。我建议每个人,尽你所能地选出几个属于自己的英雄。  - In life, If your hero is the right choice, you are lucky. I suggest you all, do your best to pick a few heroes. 来源:印象笔记
